

Metal analysis is used today in almost every industry today. Increasingly complex requirements for alloys and surfaces make it necessary to accelerate and improve the analysis.

Old methods, such as Atomic Absorption Spectrometry or X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis seem to have fallen out of time. Today, we perform material analysis of metals without wet chemical acid digestion and combustion analysis. There is also no need for any kind of conductivity treatment or work within a vacuum. The nanosecond-long plasma formed by the laser eliminates the need for these costly and imprecise procedures.

Customers need fast, accurate and cost-effective analysis they can rely on when writing appraisals, acquiring assets, improving production processes, or changing alloys.

Some examples of our work are:

  • Material analysis of all metals and their alloys used on a large scale.
  • Precious metal analysis of alloys and coatings.
  • Monitoring the quality of solders, steel and cast iron.
  • Analysis of sludges, effluents, corrosion, wastes, etching waters, grinding residues, chip examination, anodized surfaces, electroplating and blanks.

Automotive and Metal Industry

Analysis of the metals incorporated into a cutting tool detected the elements titanium (Ti) and vanadium (V). This indicates that the metal is a titanium alloy (Ti-Al-V). The ability to immediately determine whether the contamination is part of the machined target or originates from the machining process significantly reduces the time required to determine countermeasures.

Automobil Und Metallindustrie

Electrical and Solar Industry

Analysis of foreign particles on a PCB slot revealed aluminum (Al) and magnesium (Mg), indicating an aluminum alloy (Al-Mg). By determining that the problem is not caused by the product itself, the usage environment and methods can subsequently be controlled. This allows the cause of the problem to be quickly corrected.


Chemical and Raw Materials Industry

Material analysis in a multilayer film revealed copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), indicating brass. This made it possible to identify which processes needed to be improved, thus requiring much less time to define countermeasures.

Chemie Und Rohstoffindustrie

Food and Pharmaceutical Industry

The detection of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) indicates contamination by bone material in the food. While previous models only allowed guesses about foreign particles based on color and shape, identifying foreign particles on the spot enables improved quality assurance and production.

Lebensmittel Und Pharmaindustrie

Aerospace Industry

Whenever human lives depend on the technical flawlessness of a device, analysis is essential early in the development process. Materials are exposed to extreme conditions in the aerospace industry. In this industry, therefore, measurements of the layer structure, examination of defects, determination of fiber orientations, particle analysis and the measurement of geometric structures that are under severe stress are important tools of the trade. The examination of alloys and their composition, even in composite materials, must be investigated at the time of delivery in order to avoid expensive damage claims.


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