

Measurement technology focuses on two areas: Determining the contents of defined and undefined elements in samples, and imaging and measuring objects.

There is a wide range of methods on the analysis market. We have therefore set ourselves the following requirements when selecting our analysis and measurement technology:

  • Best price-performance ratio for our customers
  • Easy to understand evaluations
  • Vacuum-free analysis
  • Abstaining from using methods that require radiation protection
  • High operating speed
  • Easy sample preparation
  • Option offered to further study solid and liquid samples
  • Wide range of detectable elements
  • Minimally invasive effects on the sample
  • Possibility of using calibration bodies
  • High penetration measurement depth
  • Affordable pricing, even with express services



Our decision led us to Keyence products, with which we have been extremely satisfied for years. In fact, there has never been a technical failure and the results have been outstanding across the board.

From the LIBS analysis, the elements present are determined qualitatively and quantitatively. In the internal database of thousands of material structures, not only are the contained elements identified, but common material names of this composition are found. The database can also be used to retrieve previous analysis results as a reference when similar foreign particles are detected.

We provide a brief overview below of the two procedures our laboratory offers.



Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

A laser pulse with a length of one nanosecond generates a short-lived and focused high-energy plasma burst at a defined location on the sample. The burst has a radius of 0.005 mm due to its extreme energy density. The plasma is formed from the surface material, which is deposited in a narrow area and emits light.

(The procedure is much more accurate and faster than the classical methods of X-ray fluorescence analysis. Neither radiation protection, a radiation protection officer, nor complex preparation of the sample is necessary for measurement).

The emitted light is split into its different wavelengths using a spectrometer. The light intensity of the different wavelengths is recorded in the detector and electronically processed. The sum of all spectra of the atoms contained in the sample is plotted in a wavelength diagram.

The characteristic spectra are selected and quantified. A percentage of each element contained is calculated from the total sample.

The resulting information is a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the sample’s contained elements at the point of measurement. If one element is to be measured specifically, only the wavelengths of this element are considered in the measurement.

It is also possible to exclude elements from the measurement to disregard their content in the analysis.

A special variant of quantitative determination is the analysis of compositions at different depths below a surface. For this purpose, the laser penetrates the material several times in short pulses. In this way, up to 15 times the depth of a simple measurement can be achieved. In each of the 15 depth points, the selected analysis variant is performed qualitatively or quantitatively.


VHX Microscopy

High Resolution Digital Microscopy

The microscopes employed in VHX Microscopy use incident or transmitted light in different variations to illuminate the observed sample. Images can be taken from all angles. Special filters can prevent gloss and crosstalk to obtain optimal results. Renderings in shadow effect mode allow better irregularity visibility.

The high resolutions allow a deep view of the surfaces to be examined. Large objects are also scanned, each of which guided through the Z-axis on motor-guided microscopy stages in individual areas with high resolution, and finally rendered in a single large extremely high-resolution and clear image in 2D or 3D. Object widths and lengths of up to 10 cm are possible, as are masses of up to 5 kg.

2D scans can be used for exact measurement and pictorial representation. Particle counting and other variants of measurement are possible. In addition, a three-dimensional image is rendered, with each scan. The surface image is fully rotatable provides spectacular insights into the micro world.

After the measurements, you will receive the measurement protocols and all recordings. These files can be delivered to you or stored on a database we’ll manage for you. Your data will be stored on your request for any amount of time. You will have full control over the files and may choose to save or delete them as you please.


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